IUSD Annual Survey


Please take a few minutes to complete our IUSD Annual Survey! By making this an annual district-wide effort, we can begin to understand our most compelling needs and measure our growth over time. The second survey allowing you to provide input regarding the district’s LCAP expenditures and focus will be sent out next month.

If you are writing comments, it is most helpful if you are as specific as possible in your comments and stay away from generalities. Positive statements like, “The STEAM Labs are great” or critiques like, “Physical education is weak” are not useful in bringing about change or in validating good practices. Explaining why the STEAM Labs are great or why physical education is weak with detailed examples can be powerful. Understanding our stakeholders perceptions regarding school climate and home-school-community relations is critical for guiding our continuous improvement efforts and focusing resources through our Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) to ensure that we serve our students, support our staff, and remain connected to our communities.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete our survey! We know that this is a busy time of year and we appreciate you dedicating your time to provide us candid and constructive feedback. The survey will be open from January 16, 2018--February 15, 2018. All responses to this survey are anonymous and will be kept strictly confidential.

Parent survey link: https://hanoverresearch.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_40VCnQGdQV1hemN