Q: I received a notice from the library that my child has an overdue book, but it was turned in to their teacher's class bin. Why am I getting this notice?
A: Most teacher's have a classroom bin to collect library books to be returned. Those books do not get checked back in until the teacher returns them to the library. (Ex. a student turns in a book on Friday, but the teacher doesn't return the bin of books until Tuesday of the following week, the books will not be taken off the student's account until the books are brought from the classroom to the library.) Check with the teacher to see what day their scheduled library time falls on.
Q: I received a notice from the library that my child has an overdue book.
A: The notices emailed out are automated and sent by the computer system. The Librarians know there are nuances to books not getting returned. For this reason there are no fines for overdue books. Fines are only given when a book has been marked "lost" and that happens after a book has been overdue for more than 30 days.
Q: I received an overdue notice and we are on a scheduled vacation break.
A: The notices emailed out are automated and sent by the computer system. It doesn't realize we are break. As written above, the Librarians know there are nuances and realize we are on break. The matter can be settled when we return to campus. I encourage students to renew books before break, but if for any reason they weren't able to, they can always email the Librarian (jennalang@isud.org) and I can renew their book (most times I am able to renew the books without them being there in person).
Q: Does the Library take book donations?
A: Yes! We always welcome book donations. We will take any gently used books your child has outgrown. They can deliver them directly to the library/media center or drop them in the front office.
We also have a Birthday Book Club, if you'd like to donate a book to library for your child's birthday.