School Site Council


The School Site Council serves as the school community representative body for determining the focus of the school’s academic instructional program and all related categorical resources.  The Legislative intent of the formation of School Site Councils is that individuals who are most affected by the operation of the school should have a major role in the decisions regarding how a school functions.  Education should be a join effort of parents, teachers, administrators, and other school staff - those whose common goal is the success of all students. 


  • Annually develop and approve the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
  • Review and revise School Safety Plans
  • Develop site level parent involvement policy
  • Review the parent compact (TItle I)
  • May advise the district in the development to the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)

School Site Councils (SSC) provide-

  • An opportunity to develop shared leadership
  • An opportunity to improve communication between the staff and parents
  • A place to discuss issues, programs, and to make decisions
  • A way to educate members regarding school programs and categorical programs

Other SSC responsibilities - 

  • Carry out other duties assigned to the council by the district governing board and by state or federal law
  • Meet on a regular basis to become informed, share information, discuss needs and successes, and plan program improvements
  • Maintain records including election results, correspondence, agendas and minutes
  • Participate, as necessary, in Federal Program Monitoring (FPM), both online and on-site. 
  • Develop a system for ongoing communication with parents, community members, school staff and the board. 

Our 2024-2025 SPSA can be viewed HERE.

If you are interested in serving on School Site Council and being a part of this important group of people, please contact Jamie Snyder, Principal, at