Mission Statement

Woodbury’s mission is to create a challenging and nurturing environment through which we meet the academic needs of our students, and empower them with the values necessary to become contributing members of society. 

The Woodbury staff, parents, and surrounding community share a common vision.  High quality classroom instruction, students who are highly motivated to learn, a warm and nurturing learning environment, and a supportive and encouraging parent community make Woodbury a wonderful place to learn and work.  It is our goal that all students will leave Woodbury able to read, write, and compute at successful levels that will enable them to experience academic success at the next level and beyond.  To ensure this success, the Woodbury staff is dedicated to the use of sound instructional practices and high quality instructional materials, including the integration of technology throughout the curriculum. 

Our instructional programs combine explicit skill instruction, such as phonics and mathematics skills, and instruction that is embedded within a meaningful context.  Students have the ability to go beyond the “basics”, through the use of technology and through an intentional focus on meeting the needs of each individual student.  As part of our core instructional program, students participate in music, art, and science from specialists in these fields. 

In addition to a rigorous standards based curriculum, Woodbury School believes that all students perform best in school and our community when values are taught and expected.  We believe that a student who is driven by values is concerned with society as a whole.  A person who is driven by values understands why we have values, is willing to use values, and can identify and prioritize his or her own values for the good of the community.  As a result, values are practiced and taught on a daily basis. 

Our school slogan, “Everybody is Somebody”, is truly the basis for all actions taken and decisions made.  The staff places its highest priority on the development of students who become responsible and productive individuals through teaching and modeling the values of Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Initiative, Integrity, Perseverance, Positive Mental Attitude, and Respect.

Students succeed at Woodbury.  It is due to our common vision, highly skilled staff, “state of the art” instructional materials and equipment, and commitment to providing students with an environment that encourages ethical behavior that we move towards achieving our mission.  This school is dedicated to providing each student with a safe and orderly learning environment, a rigorous, challenging, and developmentally appropriate curriculum, and the support necessary to develop students with integrity and character. 


Jamie Snyder
