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Food allergy is a growing public health concern. According to the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Disease, as many as 15 million people…
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Dear Parents, During this season of giving, I would like to take a moment to say thank you and recognize the many generous families who have already…
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Around any elementary school, there are a few challenges present. Of greatest concern is the automobile traffic around the school and the danger that…
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Woodbury and IUSD take student attendance very seriously. We believe that student success begins with daily attendance. As a result, we take steps to…
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The Irvine Unified School District is currently in the process of adopting new English Language Arts and English Language Development materials that…
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Woodbury Elementary School benefits greatly from the Irvine Public School Foundation. The contributions and support we receive from IPSF are…
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Woodbury welcomes and values our volunteer parents. Without volunteers, many programs and activities offered at our school would not be possible. Of…
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IPSF's Enrichment Day will be held over the Veteran's Day Holiday on Friday, November 11. IUSD Students in grades 2-8 are invited to come and…