EDL INFORMATION: During our EDL time, AR can be accessed from home by through Clever. Log in to Clever using your IUSD username/password and click on the "R" icon to access Accelerated Reader.
Accelerated Reader is designed to be part of our comprehensive reading program. It does not replace a reading series or other instructional materials; rather, it supports and enhances them. As the Common Core State Standards emphasize, effective reading programs develop students' ability to draw knowledge from text. Moreover, all students must be able to tackle complex texts independently. One of the primary benefits of Accelerated Reader is that it is a vehicle for this essential learning.
Would you like to take a quiz from your laptop? Follow the links under Quicklinks to start the journey.
How It Works
All students, grades 1-6, have taken the STAR reading assessment online to determine his/her ZPD range. Students are encouraged to read books from their AR level. Students have the opportunity to take the AR quizzes at school. Tests can only be taken at school, during school hours. Quizzes are taken without the book, they should be able to answer comprehension questions on the test/quiz. If the book does not have a leveled color dot from our school library, that means the book does not have an AR quiz. However still feel free to read books without the AR dot/quiz! Teachers will check the points accumulated and prizes will be awarded by Mrs. Rusmisel.